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How GPS tracking improves fuel efficiency for commercial vehicles?

Image of a fuel indicator

Why is commercial vehicle fuel efficiency so important?

Logistics companies, fleet owners, and truck drivers are all bearing the brunt of rising fuel prices as they struggle to keep their fleets running smoothly. Frequent fuel purchases for the vehicles on a daily basis can be expensive which is why improving fuel efficiency should become a priority to save money and use it for other operational expenses. While there are a number of ways to increase fuel efficiency, the benefits of GPS fuel monitoring system for trucks is immense and will be an efficient solution for fleet fuel tracking and cost reduction.

What are the best ways to improve fuel efficiency for trucks?

In order to maximize fuel efficiency for your fleet, regular route optimization and maintenance is essential. Moreover, monitoring driver performance as well as the adoption of technological solutions including a vehicle fuel monitoring system are crucial. There are a number of ways to improve fuel efficiency for commercial vehicles includes the need to:

  • Reduce idling

  • Avoid harsh braking

  • Maintain tyre pressure

  • Ensure vehicle maintenance

  • Maintain a steady speed

  • Track fuel consumption

How fuel sensor GPS trackers can help you save on fuel costs?

Tracking fuel consumption helps to identify patterns and make necessary adjustments to reduce the frequency of fuel purchases and thereby reduce fuel costs. A vehicle fuel monitoring system is of prime importance to track fuel on a daily basis. In such a context, the ideal solution is to  buy fuel sensor GPS trackers to not just enable fleet fuel tracking but also to identify driving patterns and issues that lead to excessive fuel consumption.

A GPS fuel monitoring system can send alerts on unproductive driving patterns including idling, speeding and harsh braking. By generating fuel reports, it can also help to prevent fuel theft or fraudulent transactions. It also enables route optimisation to save fuel by avoiding long routes and improper road conditions. Some fuel sensor GPS trackers can also send predictive maintenance alerts which also contributes to increasing fuel efficiency.

3 reasons to use a GPS fuel monitoring system for your fleet

  • Monitor driving patterns: Driving patterns including idling, speeding and harsh braking have a negative impact on fuel consumption. According to the US Department of Energy, a long-haul truck idles about 1,800 hours per year, using about 1,500 gallons of fuel. Therefore, reducing unproductive driving patterns is crucial. A fuel sensor GPS tracker for commercial vehicles can help to monitor driving patterns and increase fuel efficiency. According to a study conducted by Verizon Connect, 8% average drop in fuel cost was reported after using fleet tracking technology in 2020.

  • Map efficient routes: Driving on smoother and more direct routes can significantly reduce the amount of fuel consumed, compared to longer and improper routes. Therefore, route optimization is vital to reduce fuel consumption and a GPS fuel monitoring system can efficiently map routes that ensure productivity and cost reduction. For instance, 30% savings on fuel cost per year in fleet industries was reported after implementing AI technologies like route optimization (Source: G2 Tech Marketplace). 

  • Maintain vehicle health: In order to maximize fuel efficiency, maintaining vehicle health is vital. According to a survey, 10% increase in fuel consumption is marked when vehicles run on low tire pressure (Source: G2 Tech Marketplace). Using a fuel sensor GPS tracker can help to send scheduled maintenance alerts based on factors such as mileage driven and the reports can help to analyze fuel consumption patterns to make sure the vehicles are in optimal condition.

Let’s Wrap Up!

Fuel efficiency is a matter of concern for logistics owners, fleet managers and truck drivers as commercial vehicles need several gallons of fuel on a daily basis. An efficient vehicle fuel monitoring system is necessary for fleet fuel tracking. While there are many ways to increase fuel efficiency, GPS fuel monitoring systems are the ideal solution to reduce fuel costs by monitoring driving patterns, mapping efficient routes and maintaining vehicle health.

Axlerate is a unified platform for Logistics and transport management, payments and services. Our solutions help to simplify tolls, fuel purchases, fleet expenses, loans, insurance, escrow, payments, truck booking, fleet management and the buying and selling of logistics products and services.

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